Two-for-one twisting machine for opening up new markets for technical yarns
The two-for-one twisting machine TechnoCorder TC2 for technical yarns is characterised by its worldwide unique productivity of up to 400 m/min delivery speed. The machine concept offers you ultimate flexibility in production, material and yarn counts of technical yarns. Self-sufficient spindles enable individual settings for each spindle. New in the product range is a further spindle gauge for a wider range of counts and the FlexiPly software for a higher variety of yarn constructions. You can react to market requirements and even the smallest lots or samples can be economically produced.
Reduced energy consumption
Optimised balloon geometry
Use of a balloon limiter ring
High economic efficiency
400 m/min delivery speed
High package density
Wide yarn count range 235 to 60 000 dtex
High production flexibility thanks to autarkic spindles
FlexiPly for hybrid yarns
Enhanced ergonomics
Unrestricted access of twisting positions
Easy cleaning of machine
Package for coarse yarn counts
Spindle gauge 830 mm for coarse titer up to 60 000 dtex.
Innovation package for artificial turf
Optimum production of different yarn constructions for artificial turf.