The CW1 checkweigher is a weighing machine used for in-line control of weight of bulk materials packed in bags of 10 to 50 kg automatically conveyed.
In the most various industries the Sautelma Rotolok CW3 checkwigher allows to :
- Check continuously the pre-packed products and reject the products with weight shortages (metrological checking for pre-packed units - legal trade).
- Measure and totalize the weight of the production.
- Correct automatically a volumetric weigh feeding by mean value feed-back control software for one or more weighing heads.
The CW1 checkweigher is made of five main parts:
- A handling system including the supporting frame and a conveying belts
- A weighing system by weighing plate including one or several load cells and the digital signal processing unit
- An electrical control command cubicle ,
- An electronics controller for control of all machine functions and data processing
- A rejection system done by pneumatic pusher or retractable conveyor.