With the main focus on ergonomics and reliability, SCHLEICH test cabins are a solid, long-lasting investment in reducing the risk of the operator.
Test cabins have a door which prevents the DUT from being touched. The easy-to-open protection door made of break-proof, transparent plastic covers the DUT and allows visual monitoring during the test. Testing is only possible when the protection door is closed. The status of the protection door is continuously monitored by a two-circuit safety-limit switch in conjunction with a sfety-analysis module, which is approved and compliant with standards. This two circuit safety switch meets the requirements for automatic protection against accidential contact.
Closing the test cabin starts the test process. Opening the test cabin while the test is still in process will lead to immediate interruption. The voltage is discharged and the DUT is unloaded. It is possible to add a safety lock which prevents the door being open during the test.
The complete isolation of the test area prevents voltages from being exposed outside the enclosure. The operating personal is optimally protected.
In order to protect sensitive DUTs from electrostatic charging and discharge, the test cabins can be made of ESD-materials for additional charge.