We help you Increasing your panel efficiency thanks ultra high accurate motion platforms from SCHNEEBERGER. Key words focus are minimize junctions or dead-areas and maximize your performances.
Independent if thin film or crystalline technology, we provide you the best possible solution for moving your substrate and/or process head under the highest precision.
Typical specifications for "Solar" at POI*
Configuration: Y (gantry) + xX + Z
Travel: up to 3500 x 2700mm
Accuracy: ≤ 10 µm (over TIR, mapped)
Repeatability: ≤ 2 µm
Stability: not relevant (on the fly compensation)
Move & Settle: < 500ms for 300mm
Cst velocity: < 0.01% at <1000mm/s
Straightness: < 20um over 3000mm
Flatness: < 20um over 3000mm