The solid SCHNEIDER aluminium folding door AL602F/ SF combines high stability, lightness and longevity with high transparency.
Solid running rails, hinges and corner connections enhance the high load capacity and thus also enable large glass panels.
Of course, the aluminium folding doors match all other aluminium doors and gates of the company SCHNEIDER.
More robust than AL601F 2.0 Up to 200,000 motion cycles
Design depth: 60 mm
Area of application up to 15.6 m in width x 5.6 m in height
Screw- and plug-type connections
Widerstand gegen Windlast EN12424 mind. Klasse 2 bis Klasse 5
Luftschalldämmung EN ISO 10140 / EN ISO 717-1 bis zu 28db
Widerstand gegen Luftdurchlässigkeit EN 12426 bis zu Klasse 4