Scitec Instruments Model 300CD is a high stability variable frequency optical chopper. The basic system consists of a control unit, a chopping head and a set of four chemically blacked photo etched discs. This system provides operation over the frequency range 5Hz to 3kHz. A wide selection of additional discs and accessories is available to extend the frequency range and to satisfy individual requirements.
• 5Hz - 3kHz standard optical chopping frequency range (0.015Hz to 40kHz options are available)
• 102mm diameter discs
• Compact optical chopper head
• Low noise and vibration
• Photochemically etched non-magnetic discs
• Variable aperture
• Range of accessories
Tthe 300CD control unit has a 5-digit display of the chopping frequency. Chopping frequency can be controlled externally by applying an analogue voltage to a "Control" BNC. A "Reference" BNC provides a TTL level output, generated directly from the opto-switch on the chopping head. This signal has constant phase relative to the chopping action and can be used as the reference for other instruments such as lock-in amplifiers.
The 300H optical chopper chopping head supplied with the standard system may be bench bolted or optical stalk (bench rod) mounted. Mountings are provided to enable parts, such as a high frequency accessory or blade protector, to be attached. For lower frequency operation, the chopper head can be fitted with a reduction gearbox motor.