Surge Generator is the backbone of underground cable fault locator test systems. Surge Generator is used with a Prelocator and SIM Filter for fault distance measurement and also used with PinPointer Set for pinpointing the exact fault spot.
SCOPE offers CFL SG 1610, Surge Generator with output of 16kV and 1000 Joules. It is ideal choice for fault location on all types of power cables from LV to EHV. CFL SG Series is equipped with different Protections, Interlocks and Auto-discharge Facility to ensure User Safety during operation. User Friendly controls, adequate form factor, contact free HV terminations makes this CFL SG Series most durable and best-designed sets in the segment
Compact, Lightweight, and housed in rugged aluminum case
Ideal choice for fault location on all type of power cables
Backbone of Cable Fault Locator System
Generates short duration high voltage surge for fault break down
Built-in Current Coupler to determine the fault distance in conjunction with Prelocator unit
Repetitive surges applied for pinpointing the exact fault location in conjunction Pinpointing set
Supports SIM/ARM/MIM method for locating High resistance and flashing faults along with Prelocator and SIM Filter from CFL Series
Available with optional modes such as DC Hi-Pot, Burn Down and Sheath Fault Location Mode
Multiple options in a single instrument to avoid carrying several heavy instruments to the site
Easy setup and intelligent protections make high voltage testing safe & reliable
Compatible with other models of SCOPE make CFL Series