Pit furnaces are ideal for large and heavy parts. They are both durable and reliable at obtaining uniform results. Machining
material allowances are required due to the size of the parts. These allowances compensate for any negative effects that occur
during the transportation in air to the quench.
In addition, that technological line of equipments will be even more efficient with the use of auxiliary devices, including the
periodical work of quenching tanks, which will be directly transfered to the production costs.
Pit Furnace, PEGat
The possibility of various furnace configurations and technological lines
Economical (relatively low demand of media necessary for furnaces operation)
Work flexibility (speed of heating and cooling of the load)
Optimal placement of devices
Well formed geometrically and built into the furnace heating system (appropriate amount and proportion of heating zones)
An efficient system of air circulation to ensure adequate homogeneity across the workspace
Very good uniformity of temperature throughout the furnace working range, better than ±5°C according
to the standard AMS2750D
Carbon potential control accuracy <± 0.05° C
The application of solutions for periodic calibration devices, based on test performed e.g. foilt test, as well as allowing to
verify, during the process, its quality in sample probes