in the case of frequent product and formulation changes as well as variable processes, batch mixers or discontinuous mixers are used.
They are suitable e.g. for gentle homogenization and in general for the pre-processing of solid mixtures, solid-liquid, and paste-like mixtures. They are also used for sterilization, breaking up agglomerates, pelletilization, initiating chemical reactions, and metering during product manufacturing.
Usable volume Up to 30m3
Materials In stainless steel, regular steel, and special materials
Trough shapes Casing pipe, U-trough, omega trough, double-U trough, cone with torispherical head
Mixing principlesIn turbulent area/mechanically generated fluidized bed, in pile
Mixing tools Single helix, double helix, (conical) mixing shaft, cutter heads, lateral scrapers, special blades (link: Auger shafts and blades), paddles, blade paddles
Configurations Hard facing, plating of mixer shaft, wear production cladding of housing, additional cooling/heating jacket, thermo blades, CIP, feed hopper, spraying devices, electrically or pneumatically operated discharge flaps, inspection openings, special outlet ports
VariantsFood safe, ATEX-compliant, WHG-compliant (water protection); heavy duty, dust-proof and gas-tight, explosion pressure resistant, pressurized operation, vacuum operation
SealsProduct-specific seals
Service life Continuous operation