Z109REG-BP is a signal converter with universal input: voltage (mV), current (mA), thermocouples TC, thermoresistances RTD, potentiometer, rheostat, NTC. The module offers measurement and re-transmission on isolated analog bipolar output, with voltage output. By DIP-switch are selectable: type of input (start-end), output mode (zero elevation, scale inversion), output voltage type (mA or V). Through mini USB front connector, Z109REG-BP can be programmed by PC: start-end scale, additional input types, square root extraction, filter, burn-out etc.
Description: - Universal converter with bipolar mA / V output
Power Supply: - 10..40 Vdc, 19..28 Vac
Power transducer: - Yes, 2-3 wire technique
Insulation: - 1.500 Vac at 3 ways
Input: - Nr 1 channel
Output: - Nr 1 bipolar channel (±10 V, ±20 mA)
Settings: - Via software EASY SETUP / mini USB interface or DIP-switches
Operating temperature: - -20 – +65°C