R-16DI-8DO is a digital mixed module with a dual 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port and a front Micro USB programming port. The tool is designed for flexible cabling needs, small installation spaces, and high-density I/O applications with embedded Ethernet networking. The R-16DI-8DO has 16 PNP/NPN digital inputs that can also be configured as @32-bit totalizers and 8 digital relay outputs with a maximum range of 30 V / 1 A. All totalizers are stored in non-volatile memory (FeRAM). The module is equipped with isolation between inputs, outputs, and other low-voltage circuits equal to 1,5 kVac.
The configuration can be done through dedicated software and a web server with HTML5 support. IP address, MAC address, and firmware version associated with the single module can be identified or configured on the LAN network through the SDD (Seneca Discovery Device) tool. R-16DI-8DO supports both ModBUS TCP-IP and RS485 serial communication with ModBUS RTU protocol. The R-16DI-8DO can be connected in Ethernet daisy chain mode with fault bypass to ensure an Ethernet connection even if a module in the chain fails. Digital signals can be duplicated on one or more modules in Peer to Peer mode (I/O mirror functionality). Another advanced function is the "ModBUS Passthrough" function, thanks to which the module can divert to RS485 the requests coming from Modbus TCP-IP acting, in fact, as a gateway.
Power supply - 10..40 Vdc; 19..28 Vac
Auxiliary voltage output - 12 Vdc / 40 mA
Max. absorption - 3 W
Max insulation - 1,5 kVac
LED status indicators - Power supply
I/O's status
STS (IP / DHCP address)
RX / TX (Data Rx/Tx via RS485)
Ethernet TRF / LNK
Input channels - 16 DI