-An all position contact electrode for high productivity welding of mild steel
-A contact electrode for speedy, all-position welding of mild steel
-Low hydrogen electrode for medium-tensile, ductile steel welds
-Electrode for low, medium carbon & alloy steels
-Electode for low and medium carbon steels as well as medium tensile steels of various compositions
-Electrode for high strength and extreme crack-resistance to all steels
-Economical electrode for maintenance applications
-Electrode for joining higher tensile armour grade steel, austenitic manganese steel etc.
-Austeno-ferritic electrode with excellent ductility and high tensile strength
-Electrode for high resistance to heat and corrosion
-Electrode for welding austenitic manganese steels
-Electrode for joining ss to carbon steel and for depositing ss overlays on carbon steel
-Austeno-ferritic, highly crack-resistant electrode having high tensile strength
-Electrode for welding austenitic manganese steels
-Extra low hydrogen controlled electrode with good ductility and creep resistance
-Austeno-ferritic alloy steel electrode for high strength and crack-resistant welds