Technical specifications
Keyboard Alphanumerical keyboard
Material Stainless steel
Homologation OIML R76//EN 4550 10.000e Clase III
Display Graphic screen 7' (800 x 480px)
Dimensions 33x11x26 cmmm
Temperature range -10 to 40℃
A/D Converter 24 bits (1.000.000 div)
Min. input voltage per verification scale interval 0,6μV
Voltage of the measuring range 5 - 15mV
Minimum load cell impedance 40Ω
Max. signal voltage for dead load 10mV
Electromagnetic susceptibility 10V/m
Power supply 80 - 264VAC
Alibi Memory (DSD) 1
Inputs and Outputs
Digital inputs 0/8
Digital outputs 0/16
Analog outputs 0/2
Protocols Sensoc (ASCII Protocol), Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU/ASCII
RS232 Port 1/2
RS485 Port 0/1
USB 2 Host, 0/1 Device
Ethernet 0/1
• - 5 types of weights (Entrance/Exit, Manual Tare, Memorized Tare, Direct Ticket and Manual weight)
• - Historical up to 1000 weights
• - 5 TABLES to include data such as product, company, origin, destination, etc.
• - +500 Records per table
• - Export and Import of table records in .csv files to view or edit in a spreadsheet
• - Configurable Ticket and Reports
• - User profiles
• - Load cell diagnostic