The FT 25-C RGB color sensor stands out as the market's smallest cubic color sensor, known for its exceptional speed with a switching frequency of up to 10 kHz. It's suitable for rapid print mark applications, able to identify a wide range of colors and even subtle differences. The sensor's bright, sharp, and elongated light spot (1 x 5 mm2) ensures it can detect narrow print marks and small markings effectively.
⯀ Smallest RGB color sensor with high switching frequency ≤ 10 kHz
⯀ Precise detection of the slightest of contrast differences
⯀ Very robust operation despite fluttering and glossy objects
⯀ Detection of "non-colors", e.g. black,white and gray
⯀ Bright light spot with sharp contour for easy alignment
and precise leading edge detection
⯀ "Talking light spot" provides feedback on the quality of
the taught color value