The lime silo is commonly used for feeding treatments such as the flocculation, the pH correction and the sludge dewatering. It is also fit for the storage of pulverized carbon, calcium carbonate or other powder products used in the water treatment plants. It consists of a carbon steel silo with anchorage legs, complete with manhole, service gallery with handrail, ladder, over-vacuum valve, minimum and maximum level probes, fluidification system with plates, butterfly valve, assorted fittings, mechanically-shaken static filter and air blower. The silo can be supplied complete with extraction screw and relevant gear motor; with regard to the SCD type, also a preparation and storage tank for the lime milk complete with an electric stirrer is included in the supply. The pulverized lime is stored in the circular-plan silo, extracted by means of the extraction screw and conveyed to the dissolution tank. On request, the silo can be provided with motor driven butterfly valve, motor driven gate valve and/or micro dosing unit.
The standard construction is in carbon steel. On request, it is possible the construction in stainless steel.