The Access lock (or Door lock) is a key access interlock is suitable for use on access point (trap door, doors, gates …) but also on transformer’s plug in connectors. The interlock has manufactured in in aluminium or composite, making it ideal for use in energy line of business.
Different types of striker plates are available depending on the equipment. Striker plates
can be inserted into the lock cylinder-side or on the side opposite the cylinder
The Access lock is available in two options:
exchange key and multi key.
The Access ELP should be used to allow safe access to potential hazardous and dangerous areas.
The Access ELP should be used with one key on part body access doors where the use of personal safety keys is not
essential or with 2 keys (consignment key) on full body access doors where the use of personal safety keys is essential (to
prevent accidental lock in).
The Access ELP is not designed for security purposes, such as a safe or external access to a building.
A safety lock must be mounted with appropriate fasteners.
To avoid unauthorized removal, the lock must be mounted with rivet or M5 (screws, nuts and washers) stainless steel
safety screws and secured with a threadlock.
Tightening torque: 5Nm
The interlock must be installed by a competent and qualified person who has read and understood these instructions.
Contact STI for maintenance instructions.