Setaram uses AKTS Thermokinetics software ensuring a global solution for kinetic analysis and the determination of thermal safety.
Specialist Software
AKTS software suite can be applied to the study of the thermal stability of substances, to the safety analysis of physical-chemical processes, and to the investigation of the safety and quality of packaged substances. AKTS software provides a means of inferring additional characteristics and behavior of materials examined, based on conventional thermoanalytical measurements. A key benefit of this software is the accurate determination of the thermal stability of products (shelf-life / transformation) for quantities, temperatures and time scales beyond those measured. This provides critical data often difficult to obtain for reasons of time, cost and feasibility.
AKTS Thermokinetics
The main goal of AKTS-Thermokinetics Software Package is to facilitate kinetic analysis of DSC, DTA, TGA, EGA (TG-MS, TG-FTIR) data for the study of the thermal behavior of raw materials and products within the scope of research, development and quality assurance.
AKTS Thermal Safety
AKTS-Thermal Safety Software enables the prediction of the Time to Maximum Rate under adiabatic conditions (TMRad). Its calculation method extends applications to the thermal behavior under non-adiabatic conditions. It enables the prediction of the heat accumulation process and the reaction progress in containers during storage or transportation. Key applications include the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries. Users focus on self-reactive chemicals, explosives and thermal hazards for dangerous goods.
AKTS Reaction Calorimetry