RTLS Studio is an all-in-one software solution for the smooth installation, deployment, maintenance, and control of a real-time location system for indoor tracking.
RTLS Studio features the following tools:
RTLS Manager
RTLS Monitor
Open API Documentation
Sage Analytics
Using RTLS Studio, you can conveniently deploy and manage the entire RTLS platform. In addition to RTLS Studio, Sewio partners and clients can also benefit from RTLS Planner for effective project planning and RTLS Player for evaluating and fine-tuning the system. Both RTLS Planner and RTLS Player are available on the Sewio Portal.
RTLS Manager is the core of the indoor tracking platform, allowing its easy deployment and configuration. It shows an overview of the health status of all anchors, tags and RTLS and DHCP servers, and allows users to initialize, rescan and resync the system.
It also gives users full control over the settings and system parameters as well as upgrading the entire system once a new firmware version is released or reconfiguring devices on-demand – all remotely and online, no matter where you are. RTLS Manager is designed to deliver simple, accessible and user-friendly real-time location system management.
Sensmap is a real-time visualization tool that gives you a real-time overview of all the processes that are taking place at your facility. It allows you to add buildings and their plans and auto-deploy the anchors – giving you your first valuable insights in a few minutes.