This series of product is suitable for supply system of AC 50Hz, 12/0.4kv or 7.2/0.4kv rated working voltage,1250kVA and below rated capacity.
The product has advantages of flexible combination, easy transport and transfer, easy installation, short construction period, low operating cost, easy to enter the load center, reducing the power supply radius and improving the voltage quality of the end, etc., which is widely used in petroleum, petrochemical, rail transport, urban high-rise buildings, urban and rural buildings, luxury villas, high-tech development districts, small and medium-sized factories and other places, for the use of receiving and distribution of electric energy in power supply systems.
Other Features
With the help of computer technology, network communication technology, the product can be used for measurement (voltage, current, active power, reactive power), metering (active energy, reactive energy), protection (quick break, overcurrent, ground, reclosing, over-voltage, under voltage, unbalanced voltage, unbalanced current), control (clsoing and opening of circuit breakers and electrical equipment), recording (phase current and voltage waveform when breakdown) ,displayi (electricity, running status), communications, complete equipment status monitoring and fault diagnosis (including online status monitoring, “four remotes" functions, fault recording, analysis and communication). It can also run without worker’s attention as well.