Tiantai hybrid stills are designed to create a greater amount of reflux than a simple pot still while still producing flavorful spirits.
Hybrid stills serve as multifunctional distillation solutions for craft breweries and wineries or as pilot distillers for distilleries. Based on a typical pot still, we can customize it with column stills, gin baskets, doublers, and other devices to meet your distillation needs. Additionally, the shape of the helmet and the slope of the lyne arm can be tailored to suit the characteristics and distillation methods of desired spirits.
*Bypass valves are installed on all connections to control which section of the still your spirit vapors travel through, meaning you can achieve various desired distillation characteristics through different process paths.
■ Heating Method
Our priority is safety and effective heating. Based on your distiller size, we recommend different methods such as electric heating, steam jacket, and water/oil bath covered in stainless steel and insulation.
■ Tailored Shape Of Helme
Onions, pears, lanterns, spheres helmet sapes, the size and shape of the helmet will be tailored by Tiantai's distillation engineers to craft your unique spirit.
■ Tailored Slope Of The Lyne Arm
The slope of the lyne arm can be positive, neutral or negative, depending on your spirit being produced.