Sugar beet processing generally subject to raw material pretreatment, exudation, clean, evaporation, boiling sugar and other processes. Beet sugar beet processing first conveying water from the pit to beet the workshop (except for dry transportation), the weeding, in addition to stone and After cleaning, the beet cut wire, seeping into the inside, reverse pass into the hot water to extract sugar from sugar beets and other wire soluble solids. from leaking devices add lime juice extracted treatment, and then charge into the carbon dioxide , the mixed precipitate after filtration, to go unless the sugar substance. decolonization of sugar juice in the further use of sulfur dioxide, and then sent to the multi-effect evaporator, concentration, 65BX. sent to the crystallization of sugar boiling pot, and then by separation, drying, refined sugar and packaging factory.
Beet sugar processing normally is accomplished in one continuous process. During the process, the natural sugar stored in the beet root is separated from the rest of the plant material. The sugar beets are washed, sliced and boiled in water to begin the sugar extraction process. The resulting sugar-containing juice is filtered, concentrated to a thick syrup by boiling where the sugar begins to crystallize, washed with hot water in a rapidly spinning centrifuge to separate sugar and molasses and dried in a series of steps. After sugar and molasses have been recovered from the sugar beet, the remaining pulp is utilized for animal feed.
Clean section of the indicators
- heating temperature index, exudation juice 45 ℃