FHP-V series testing meter is a collection of the power meter and visual laser source. As the power meter, it can precisely test the 850nm, 1300nm, 1310nm, 1490nm, 1550nm, 1625nm wavelengthe's power and it can also test the loss of the fiber, cable, various passive devices, when to attach the FHS laser source; As the visual laser source, it can check the fiber, cable, and connector whether there is a breakpoint. It is widely used in communication system.
Hand-held, convenient to hold
Small power consumption
Two interface, can use the power meter and visual laser source at the same time
Visual laser soure can ouput the 2Hz and the CW
Various power unit display
The range of the power meter can adjust automatically
LED display and back light function
Low power automatically shut down
10min,no operation shut down automatically