HUALONG HLE series electromechanical testing machines offer force, displacement or deformation closed loop testing in tension, compression, flexure, shear, tear and peel etc.. The machine can be equipped with a variety of accessories including: grips, fixtures, compression frames, thermal cabinets and extensometers covering all relevant applications as testing of rubber, plastics, foils, films, textiles, adhesives, paper, foods, foams, timber, wires or othermetallic or non-metallic specimens and medical, electronic and other components. The load frames are rigid constructed, providing superior axial and lateral stiffness.
Metal: ASTM E8, ISO 6892, BS EN 10002-1, ASTM E21, IS0 783, EN ISO 7438, ISO 14589, ASTM F606
Plastics/ Composites: ASTM D638, EN ISO 6259, EN ISO 527-1, ISO 604, ASTM D695, ASTM D3846, EN ISO 844, EN ISO 13968, EN ISO 9969, etc.
Geo-textiles: ASTM D3950, ASTM D 6775-02, BS EN ISO 10319, JBT 8521(EN 1492-2).
Rubber: ISO 37, ASTM D41