JetFlow® Automatic Backwash Filters and Strainers are designed on the base of
scanning automatic self-cleaning Filter. When the filter screen can not be regenerated
only by back washing with inside suction nozzles, JetFlow® Automatic Backwash
Filter adopts the augmented injection back-washing design with a high pressure (H.P.
for short) pump to clean the filter screen completety. It is the idéal solution for the
challenging service conditions such as high TSS liquid, ultra-fine filtration degree down
to 5 |_im, sticky débris and particles or low inlet pressure. JetFlow® Automatic
Backwash Filter can efficiently remove the suspended solids, sediment and plankton
from water or water-like liquid. It keeps efficient self-cleaning performance and
continuously work with one single filter. Filtration process is not interrupted during
back-flushing. Chemical class design of JetFlow® Automatic Backwash Filter is also
available to meet the requirements such as high temperature, high pressure,
explosion-proof, zéro leakage, etc. JetFlow® Automatic Backwash Filters can meet
the most demanding requirements.