Spectacle frames PECVD Thin Film Coating Machine , SiC Vacuum Metalizing Machine For Spectacle frames
FCV is the short name of Spectacle frames, it is the newest technology for next generation of green cars. It can generate electrical energy continuously by electrochemical reaction between oxygen and hydrogen. It is different from the primary battery such as dry cell and rechargeable battery that needs to repeat charging.
The core technology is how to generate the electrical energy with fuel cell power module through electrochemical reaction between hydrogen as fuel and oxygen.
Hydrogen fuel cell as the most key important part of the power module, scientists, engineers, professors from transportation organizations and worldwide vehicles manufactures have made thousands tests and finally found the proper processing.
It is 100% envrionmetally friendly technology and vechiles.
Our machine RTSP1213-DC model is exclusively designed and developed for this appliation. We cooperated with Shanghai Jiaotong Unversity and SAIC Motor Corporation Limited Company.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Power Module Sputtering System with the PECVD (Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition) Technology to deposit high uniformity, strong adhesion SiC thin films.
The Hydrogen fuel cell sputtering machine contains ion source, balanced/unblanced sputtering cathodes; with stable and large volume vacuum pumping system.