Simultaneous measurement of inclination and vibration for real-time processing and post-processing
Three-axis 0~±20g vibration detection, frequency response ≤5 kHz
Programmable filter, 11 setpoints
Real-time FFT analysis, 512 points
Programmable FFT mean, programmable alarm, 6 spectrum segments
Can suppress vibration acceleration interference during inclination measurement
Patented tilt measurement technology for true high precision tilt measurement
Maximum absolute inclination measurement accuracy ±0.01°
Customizable special tilt measurement products under various low frequency vibrations
II. General Description
The FFT tilt sensor can solve the attitude detection in the vibration environment. It can not only provide the roll and pitch attitude angle information, but also provide the signal analysis of the tilt sensor in the three axial directions in the time domain and frequency domain (such as FFT analysis). ), collecting data in real time, etc. It can meet the vibration of the motor or hydraulic system in the platform leveling application which affects the accuracy of the zero point, and also meet the high-precision measurement requirements for each angle point.
In many mechanical devices with moving or rotating equipment (such as motors), the acceleration caused by vibration or motion interferes with the tilt sensor when performing the tilt measurement.