The GC fully absorbs advanced technology from similar foreign products and adopts industry-leading manufacturing technology and
processes in China, ensuring the reliability and trouble-free opération time of the instrument. It can not only maximize normal
opération time and reduce maintenance times, but also be more concise and reasonable in structure, with a more macroscopic and
atmospheric appearance; Clear keyboard opération and convenient system control software make it easy to learn and operate. The
GC system can be loaded with advanced electronic gas path control (EPC) systems, providing industry-leading excellent quality and
reliable results for industry users. The GC has unique network remote transmission and control functions, making it a reality for
unmanned, decentralized monitoring, and centralized control of the instrument; The data analysis results can be connected to DCS
to complété the statistics, analysis, and monitoring of chromatographic component content, thereby improvingthe automation of
the production process.
Ail injection port and detector gas paths can be controlled by an electronic gas circuit (EPC) to provide better rétention time and
peak area accuracy. The users can set various parameters such as gas flow rate, external events, temperature, and detector through
anti control software, and save ail parameters of the analysis method. The digital circuit ensures consistent settlngs between
différent operators during each opération. Therefore, users can achieve better rétention time reproducibility and more consistent
and reliable results, achieving twice the resuit with half the effort.