The Superdew 3 single channel hygrometer is designed to measure dewpoint in process gases and dry compressed air. The panel mounted enclosure provides panel protection to IP54.
The combination of the highly accurate, repeatable SHAW moisture sensor and advanced digital electronics, make this the instrument of choice for a wide range of applications where precise measurement, control and monitoring is critical. Each dewpoint sensor is calibrated to provide an overall system accuracy of better than ±2 °C (±3.6 °F) dewpoint and supplied with a Certificate of Calibration traceable to National & International Humidity Standards.
Superdew 3 can be user configured to display in °C, °F, ppm(v) or lb/MMSCF on an easy to read five character LED display.
The instrument offers two fully programmable alarm relays, which can be independently set across the full operating range of the dewpoint sensor. Set points can be viewed and adjusted from the front panel keypad.
An isolated 4-20 mA analogue output is supplied as standard. The span of this output can be configured across the range of the dewpoint sensor and the system allows for the Superdew 3 instrument to be sited in excess of 1,000 metres away from the sensor.
The Superdew 3 Dewpoint Hygrometer Package is fully configured according to customer specification and consists of the Superdew 3 single channel analyser, the SHAW moisture sensor, a sensor holder and two metres of sensor cable.