Blind ended-prevents ingress of plastic
Counterbore prevents ingress of plastic and eases
assembly on locating pins
Unique design ensures high levels of performance
Rolled Threads reduce risk of contamination of
mouldings due to metal swarf
Model Code- A(Thread size) x L(Insert length)-OD(Insert diameter)+Material+Finish
General description:
A closed threaded insert designed to meet the needs of moldmakers who prefer in-mold molding for a variety of reasons. The unique design of the three opposing helical knurled belts combined with the accompanying grooves provides an extremely high level of performance in terms of pulling and torque, performance testing.
Blind end - prevents plastic from entering.
Counterbore prevents plastic entry and simplifies dowel .
Unique design ensures high performance.
Rolled threads reduce the risk of metal chips contaminating the mold.
The absence of PIP on the blind end reduces the risk of contamination
Assist with automatic insertion of loader.
The design of the mold pins is critical to the success of the in-mold operation, as the features shown are used to locate and retain the insert prior to molding and prevent plastic from entering during the process.