Alltech anti-drone detecting and countering systems include detecting radar,anti-drone jammer,integrated GCS,besides,it can also add complete evidence-collecting systems which consist of large-payload drones,capture net launcher,etc.
The system has complete intelligent linkage function, it is based on low-altitude detection radar,can detect/forewarn/recognize illegal drones,obtain information like distance/location/speed and format its movement trail on the map,and send information to control systems simultaneously,which will control the anti-drone systems to track / photoelectric monitor/RF interfere the targets.Evidence collecting drones can also be activated to automatically follow the targets,and take videos for evidence.The illegal drones can also be captured according to mission’s requirements,which will be regarded as physical evidence during law enforcement.
Virtual fencing,multiple monitoring methods,flexible configuration for guard zone.
Visualized ground control software platform,integrated systems include targets identifying,auto following,visualization,and countering functions.
Multi frequency band full coverage RF countering,maximum countering distance can reach 3KM.