KWT-FZQ anti-drone jammer is a multi-band device which sends high-power electromagnetic wave that used to interfere with UAV flight and force remote low-altitude drones to land within a short time so as to effectively control of illegal drones.It features for detachable, portable, easy use and so on. The tripod makes longtime watching much easier.The systems are widely used in non-fly zones such as airport, prison and military areas. What’s more, it is very effective to guarantee the activities going safely and orderly in the important security areas and urban management sites.
Effective control range is more than 1000 meters.Equipped tripod, gunsight, and portable multifunctional pull-rod protective case,convenient for installation.
The system supports multi-band simultaneous interference, which include main UAV frequency bands in the market.Frequency range covers widely, including B1 frequency of Beidou system, L1 frequency of GPS system, L1 frequency of GLONASS system, E1 frequency of Galileo system, 5.8GHz band used in control link and 2.4GHz ISM band.
The system can be linked with Alltech drone detection system to automatically track and shoot when a target is found.