•Easy and Low Cost Installation fee.
•25% efficiency HDT 158.75*158.75mm solar cell with polymer composite materials. Polymer composite can make solar cells more flexible but durable and to prevent them being broken when bent or hit by some hard objects, like rocks, balls, high heels,etc...
•Thin and flexible solar cells, they are applicable for RV, boat, cabin, tent, yachts or any other irregular surface.
High efficiency mono-crystalline hetero-junction double-sided solar cell (HDT), can generate power from bothsides. It uses N-type mono-crystalline silicon as substrate. A thin layer of intrinsic hydrogenated amorphoussilicon is deposited on both sides of the silicon substrate followed by the P-type and N-type thin film silicon.This process improves the performance of P N junction, enabling the HDT solar cell to achieve one of the highestconversion efficiency in the world. HDT solar cell has low manufacturing process temperature, high conversionefficiency and low temperature coefficient.
HDT solar cells adopt high conductive metallic bars technology, and the conversionefficiency is improved by 10%-20% compared with traditional crystalline siliconcells.
The double-sided light absorption of the cells can be packaged into double-glassmodule , R ear power generation can increase power generation gain by 10%-20%.
The power coefficient of the cell is lower than -0.252%/0C. Compared with thetraditional crystalline silicon cell, the temperature coefficient is reduced by 40NaN; high temperature environment which result in the power generation increaseby 6-9%.