Due to their high detection sensitivity down to ppb levels, ability to analyze a broad 5 to 6-digit range of concentrations, and ability to measure multiple elements simultaneously, ICP emission spectrometers are used in a broad range of fields, such as environmental testing, pharmaceuticals, foods, chemicals, and metals. ICPE-9800 Series of simultaneous ICP atomic emission spectrometers are next-generation systems that offer the superior accuracy necessary to simultaneously and quickly analyze multiple elements regardless of their concentration levels. They also feature user-friendly software that makes analysis easy. Furthermore, the systems reduce analysis costs while providing the highest performance levels in the industry. ICPE-9800 Series systems represent the ultimate in ICP atomic emission spectrometry for environmental, pharmaceutical, food, chemical, metal, and other fields.
Data for all wavelengths are captured as an image formed on a two-dimensional plane using a large 1-inch CCD sensor, in the same way that a camera captures a photograph.
The wavelength can be changed after the measurement is finished
Highly Suitable for the Analysis of a Wide Variety of Samples
Simultaneous Analysis of Trace and High-Concentration Samples Without Concern for Contamination
The torch is oriented vertically to minimize any adhesion of sample on the torch walls, thus reducing memory effects.
Gas Usage During Analysis and Standby Halved
Mini-torch is designed to have only half the cross sectional area of standard torches. Applying the same high-frequency output to the smaller cross section increases the energy density per cross section.