With technical perfection and innovative details the S302 series sets a standard for professional large size displays. The wide range of types covers devices with up to 8 digits, character heights from 57 to 250 mm.
Comfortable parameterization
The displays are fully parameterized with an engineering framework, for example Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) Siemens portal. This permits the parameterization even in mounted condition.
Integrated switch
The devices have two RJ45 sockets and an integrated IRT-ready switch in accordance with the conformance class CC-C.
If the Smart-Dot-Function is activated the display moves the decimal point automatically, so that the value before decimal point is automatically displayed. The decimal places are either truncated or rounded.
To display a date or a code several decimal points can be displayed also.
S302 Profinet Smart Dot
Different presentational attribute
Values can be displays left-justified or right-justified. There are also different flashing modes to choose.
An automatic change in presentation is possible as well as when exceeding two threshold values or when falling below two threshold values. If for example the limit value is exceeded the value is flashing in the display. When the value returns to a value within the threshold the value shines permanently on the display again.