The low-cost, battery-powered transponder is designed for use in both production environments and logistics applications. Due to its compact type of construction and two built-in antennas, the RTLS5201T can be flexibly attached to objects and is thus suitable for a wide range of use cases.
A replaceable ½ AA lithium battery allows operation from 12 months to 5 years in standby mode, depending on the operating mode. Due to its long service life of up to 5 years, the transponder can be permanently attached to an object.
The transponder supports the UWB TDOA/TWR localization methods. Due to the degree of protection IP67, absence of PWIS and a temperature resistance range from -20 to 65 °C, the transponder is specially prepared for industrial applications and can be used in a wide variety of environments.
Replaceable ½ AA lithium battery
Localization methods with UWB TDOA/TWR localization
Dimensions: 59.3 x 42.4 x 23.1 mm
Compatibility RTLS4000 and RTLS5000
The SIMATIC RTLS5201T transponder is compatible with the transponders and gateways of the RTLS4000 product family. Since, unlike the transponders in the RTLS4000 product family, it uses only UWB channel 5 for localization and communication, the configurations must be adapted both for an existing RTLS system and in the case of new commissioning. The operating instructions for the transponder describe these two use cases in more detail and explain what must be configured in the Locating Manager for mixed operation between the two product families to function.
The low-cost SIMATIC RTLS5201TT transponder is designed, for example, for applications in tracking tools