Stopak Dunnage Bags are high quality manufactured from a durable polywoven dunnage material.
Patented Valve
The patented Stopak Jumbo Dual Clip-on Valve shows the highest quality of valve system on Stopak Airbags
AAR Verified
All airbags are Association of American Railroads verified
With many different types of airbags L0 to L5 as well as square bags, we have airbags that can suit all requirements
High Strength
High strength and reliable airbags for your need
Stopak’ s Dunnage Airbags are made from high quality PP Woven and PE material using latest technology to provide a consistent performance. These bags are specially engineered to be complaint with the AAR standards and aimed at bringing the highest customers product protection. Made in a variety of sizes and strengths, these airbags can provide transit protection for a wide range of products, including light and heavy loads.
■ Equipped with Striker valve for super-fast inflation and easy engaging and disengaging.
■ L1 to L5, including Square bags and Blocker bags are AAR verified.
■ Less plastic delivering higher strength.
■ Consistent performance.