Demineralization plants
- without pretreatment
Demineralization is the removal of dissolved solids in the water through ion exchange. A demineralizer from EUROWATER requires no special pre-treatment of the inlet water to achieve demineralized water quality. The plants are used for many applications, including production of rinse water, process water, boiler water, and more.
The demineralization plants are two-column systems, where the water first passes through a cation exchange column and then next passes through an anion exchange column.
Our product range comprises a wide number of standard plants, all engineered and manufactured in-house. The starting point is our modular-built standard system ensuring high flexibility, high reliability in operation, and short delivery time. Each solution can be customized and built according to the specific application by adapting the choice of material, instrumentation, and control system - based on our combined know-how.
The demineralization plants are available with semi-automatic or automatic regeneration. Semi-automatic demineralization plants require manual deployment of regeneration while an automatic plant initiates the regeneration when the capacity of the demineralizer is exhausted.
High water quality and low chemical consumption with counter-current regeneration
With counter-current regeneration, the flow direction during operation and regeneration is opposite. This provides a more efficient regeneration which results in lower chemical consumption and water quality as low as 1-5 µS/cm. Automatic counter-current regeneration is available in our demineralizer series DMCE.