SPT-86L standard transmitter features insulated temperature and voltage to 4-20 mA current and is capable to read data through via RS-485 interface. The module includes one input (Pt 100/500/1000, thermocouples K/S/J/T/N/R/B/E, 0-60 / 0-75 / 0-100 / 0-150 mV) and one passive current output 4-20 mA which makes it possible to use only one type of input at a time during measurement. The measurement inputs possess complete linearization of characteristics and automatically compensate the thermocouple mode's cold junction temperature.
Pt mode is capable to handle three methods of connection 2-, 3- and 4-wire. The users are free to choose between linear, square, square root or user defined characteristics for milivoltage input. The basic configuration model transfers the processed measurement to the current output; however the current output is also directly controllable through serial interface. RS- 485 (Modbus RTU) interface enables configuring and data reading. S-Config software helps to set the device parameters directly from PC level.