PowerVIZ® is a high-performance CFD visualization tool that enables you to analyze PowerFLOW simulation results interactively. With PowerVIZ, you can interactively move slices, point probes, streamline rakes, and particle sources throughout the fluid domain to observe how flow patterns evolve and change. PowerVIZ provides fast, interactive visualization of even the largest data sets, and enables you to easily combine different visualization techniques to explore simulation data.
Features & Benefits
Super high-performance. PowerVIZ is acknowledged by our customers as easy to use with its interactive and intuitive user interface, high performance on even the largest data sets and flexible with dozens of analysis techniques.
Deep product performance insight.PowerVIZ's best-in-class visualization techniques enable you to identify, study, and communicate transient flow details.
Realistic communication of results. Stereo viewing, real-time volume visualization, photo-realistic rendering, and animations of transient effects provide clear and powerful communication of simulation results.
Accurate quantitative analysis. PowerVIZ has built-in features to compute specific, meaningful quantities such as net force and mass flux, and can integrate any quantity in the fluid or on the surface. Its detailed images can illustrate complex flow features.
Soiling & water management. Using the optional soiling module, particle motion, surface bounce, and hit points are easily studied.
Automation. PowerINSIGHT can standardize and automate the production of PowerVIZ content, saving you valuable time.