Measure & control: our system approach
A measuring device is made up of several components: sensors, signal packaging and processing. Although these elements are generally available on the market, their commissioning requires a solid understanding of ultrasound in order to analyse, define and implement the best configuration.
Our system approach covers multiple aspects of ultrasonic measurement and control across a large range of frequencies:
Measuring the characteristics of materials such as wood, plaster...
Controlling the vacuity of pipework,
Controlling defects in materials using line-array sensors,
Our extensive expertise and our multi-discipline technical team (ultrasound, electronics, mechanics, software, acoustics...) enables us to provide high performance comprehensive solutions.
Our development tools
After having defined tailor-made sensors, the development of hardware is geared towards universal software development tools. We use the functionality and flexibility offered by the National Instruments platform.
Measurement signals are collected and processed either on a National Instrument acquisition card or on a specific electronic card loaded onto the measurement system. Labview software offers a number of possibilities for packaging measurement signals and rapid creation of high performance, personalised interfaces to:
Manage configuration files,acoustic amplifier
Develop the communication and analysis interface and measurements using intuitive graphics and mappings,
Help with diagnostics and quality control,
Characterise the robustness and reliability of the solution,
Analyse mappings.
Back up data,
Issue an end of control report,