• 4/5-Step Block
Calibration Function:
Straight Beam: thickness and linearity calibration, thickness gauging.
• Calibration block No.1(V1)
Calibration Function:
Calibration of shear and compression wave probes. Checking beam angle, emergent point and resolution.Calibration of time base and gain settings.
*We can provide V1 calibration block based on ISO2400-2012, BS2704, ASTM E164, ISO2400-1972E, AWS D1.1/D1.1M and AS 2083.
• Calibration Block No.2 (V2)
Calibration Function:
Small calibration block for on-site checking of miniature shear wave probe index, time base, beam angle and gain, engraved reference mark scales from 35 to 75 degrees.
*We can provide V2 calibration block based on BS2704 and ISO 7963.
• Calibration Block No.3 (V3)
Calibration Functions:
For calibrating ultrasonic flaw detection equipment in both laboratory and on-site conditions. This block is intended to function as a more compact and light-weight alternative to V1 or IIW-Type Test Blocks. Includes 25mm, 50mm, and 100mm radii, (2)3.0mm diameter through holes, engraved reference mark scales, and a 0.4mm wide * 2.5mm deep slot.
• Phased Array Test Block Type A
Calibration Functions:
The Phased Array “Type A” Calibration Block is used during the initial setup and calibration of a phased array ultrasonic unit. It can be used to perform tasks such as beam angle verification, calibration for wedge delay, sensitivity calibration, performing DAC/TCG for thickness up to 50 mm, and crack sizing.