The expanding process is the most economical means of forming and / or sizing a wide range of parts having a continuous cross-section. Parts that are round, square or multi-sided can be successfully sized. A wide range of materials can be sized or formed by expanding, such as alloy steel, aluminum, mild steel, stainless steel, titanium and aerospace alloys, which are routinely formed and sized on SizTech expanders. Expanding can eliminate or reduce machining operations and therefore reduce your cost per part, especially when the inside diameter is of importance.
Material properties throughout the product are improved by momentarily elevating the stress in the product beyond the yield point, resulting in a form of mechanical stress relieving and increased material properties.
SizTech offers optimal process control during expanding.
Advantages of our Expander
Part accuracy, stress, cross section consistency and appearance are all a direct result of the number of jaws
The Ring indexing system allows for automatic rotation of the part
Measuring and calibrating of the inner ring diameter during the automatic cycle (Gauge mode)
Spring back compensation
A unique programmable control system with a user-friendly interface that guarantees repeatability and accuracy
Additional advantage for the forging industry: Material and labor savings
Additional advantage for the aerospace industry: Hot parts can be sized; the temperature of the product can be measured to calculate the expansion ratio to guarantee part diameter at room temperature
Features of SizTech
SizTech can help you to calculate material/machining savings
SizTech can advise you which applications