The versatility of side channel blowers ensures that they are often used as ATEX blowers in applications with a certain degree of explosion risk. Installations with ATEX blowers are specifically designed to prevent any source of ignition. Through risk assessment according to ATEX 153, the user determines the ATEX zones for the environment and the installation. In each ATEX zone, the minimum product requirements are also established, which are classified in accordance with the ATEX 114 directive. Dutair ATEX blowers are available in a non-sparking version for areas with increased dust or gas explosion risk, ATEX Categories 3D or 3G. In addition, the single-stage Dutair blowers are available in a gas-tight version that includes impregnated aluminium components and special shaft seal. With your knowledge of the relevant application and the many Dutair ATEX blower options available, we can offer you a highly suitable solution. The many advantages include:
spark-free operation by suitable material choices
limited temperature rise due to robust motors
IE2 and IE3 motors with high power factors
Standard IP55 with PTC ‘s on each motor phase
compact design for easy installation in machines and installations
universal BSP threaded connections for inlets and outlets
pulsation- and vibration-free operation
wide choice of types and capacities
reliable information based on verified measurement equipment
detailed technical specifications on the basis of temperature-stabilised measuring points
less unnecessary spare capacity by pre-determined work area
contact-free drive and hence very low maintenance
long service life through the use of high quality components