The diameter grader from Skals works with chain driven stainless rollers moving forward with frequency controlled speed. The machine is built up modular, and can be delivered to sorting from 3 to an endless number of sizes.
For each grade, a height adjustable rail is lifting every second roller to the required opening. So when the rollers raises more and more for each grading, it creates an opening, which corresponds to a bigger and bigger diameter for root crops. Over each grade the roller opening remains the same.
As the only machine on the market, Skals’ Diameter grader opens up to 124 mm, which makes the grader universal. Not just carrots, but also parsley root, parsnip and beetroot can be graded on this machine. It is also possible to grade potatoes, if these are of a variety with circular section.
Comes with:
• Infeed conveyor
• Controlbox
• Frequency control