Self-Locking Retaining Rings are ideal for applications that have high rotational requirements. This feature allows the ring to function properly at speeds that exceed the recommended rotational capacity. The self-locking option can be incorporated for both external and internal rings. The self-locking feature utilizes a dimple on the inside turn "luking" into a slot on the outside turn. Self-locking allows the ring to operate at high speeds, withstand vibration, function under rapid acceleration and absorb a degree of impact loading.
RevoloxTM Self-Locking
The revolutionary Revolox Self-Locking Retaining Ring from Smalley. Secure and easy locking for your high-speed rotational needs. The 'dimple and slot' design prevents ring expansion, safely securing your application at high RPM. This makes it possible to operate at higher speeds, withstand vibration, function under rapid acceleration, and absorb a degree of impact loading.
•Superior and secure RPM performance
0 Tested and optimized for high RPM performance
• Ease of installation
0 Sturdy design not easily damaged during installation
• Lightweight
0 Lower rotating mass, lower cost for increased efficiency
• Automated installation capabilities
0 Ideal for high production volumes
• Inherently better balance than traditional snap rings
0 Decreased vibration