The SLC-2460-F is the second largest positioning stage of SmarAct's Closed-Loop Cryogenic Stages. With a travel range of 35 mm, it is particularly suited for positioning tasks over longer distances. As it is specifically designed for applications in low-temperature quantum technologies, it offers unmatched closed-loop positioning performance under cryogenic conditions.
Scan Range [µm] - ~ 1 @ 4 K; 5 @ 300 K
Blocking Force [N] - ≥ 2
Max. Normal Force [N] - 30
Max. Lift Force [N] - ≥ 1
Dimensions [mm] - 60 x 28 x 14
Weight [g] - 110
Resolution [nm] - < 0.5
Closed-Loop Repeatability, Full Stroke MCS2 [nm] - ± 25
Closed-Loop Repeatability, 1 mm Travel MCS2 [nm] - 5