Equipped with advanced vision algorithms, is a compact industrial intelligent vision sensor that can be applied to various inspection scenarios and industries, such as automotive, food, medical, cosmetics, and precision industry. Besides, small in size and one-click tuning function support manufacturers to plug and conduct in severe environments.
• Binary Classification
Integrated with deep-learning algorithms, SMore VN4000 is more powerful to inspect presence/absence, counting, U/D, and other error-proofing scenarios. With stronger computing power, SMore VN4000 supports more complicated applications by binary classification.
• Various Communication Modes
SMore VN4000 supports various communication modes, including TCP Server, TCP Client, ModBus TCP, MELSEC, SLMP, RS-232, EtherNet/IP to transfer data.
• Low-Shot Learning
With the adoption of advanced pre-training model, SMore VN4000 supports few learning samples to reach better performance.
• Flexible Light Sources
SMore VN2000 succeeds in providing rich optics from polarized, half-polarized, unpolarized light to red/white light source according to different scenarios and various materials.