Low profile acoustic cabinet fans, manufactured from galvanised sheet steel and internally lined with 50mm thickness of fireproof acoustic fiberglass insulation (M0), with sound-absorbent insulation at the inlet. All models incorporate inlet and discharge circular duct connection flanges with integrated rubber air seal. Direct drive backward curved centrifugal fan.
Brushless EC motor with high efficiency and low consumption, supply 230V +/- 10%-50/60Hz, IP44, ball bearings, thermal protection and ON/OFF switch.
Additional information
Working temperature between -20ºC up to +40ºC. This cabinet fan is suitable for mounting in any orientation and designed for indoor use.
Integrated control
It is supplied with integrated plug&play control, pre-configured to work at constant pressure (COP) with the following pressure setpoint depending on the model:
- CAB-125: 100 Pa
- CAB-150 a 315: 150 Pa
- CAB-355 and 400: 200 Pa
By acquiring the programmation console PROSYS ECOWATT, there will be access to the settings of constant pressure mode (COP) in addition to other 3 modes:
- Constant airflow (CAV)
- Proportional (VAV)
- Minimum-Maximum
- Timer (in combination with TIMER RTC accessory).
Constant pressure mode (COP)
- Minimum speed of fan between 0-50%
- Maximum speed of fan between 50-100%
-Night position adjustable between 25-100% of pressure at maximum speed.
Constant airflow mode (CAV)
(except 125 model)
- Minimum speed of fan between 0-50%
- Maximum speed of fan between 50-100%
- Night position adjustable between 25-100% of airflow at maximum speed.