GaugerNET has been integrated with Modbus-TCP option making it a three-server structure of Listener, Presenter and Gateway.The first, Listener is a PHP application that runs on Linux. It accommodates a TCP socket listener for fielded GaugerGSM and GaugerGPS sensors. MySQL database stores the data. Presenter while functioning as PHP/HTML web server for users, is good for displaying charts, tables and maps. Gateway runs on Linux server while functioning as PHP application. It accommodates Modbus TCP Gateway function and accepts Modbus requests regarding sensor data and presents data read from MySQL. It is convenient to obtain data from fielded GaugerGSM sensors, when done throuhg ODBUS-TCP OPTION FOR GAUGERNET Modbus-TCP option. This feature can be availed at any SCADA or monitoring software supporting Modbus-TCP. GaugerNET makes use of Modbus Gateway funtionality.