The Sormac drum washer type TBW is a multi product washer typically for cucumbers (gherkins), shallots etc.
The washer drum has a rotational action which produces a very thorough cleaning action. The product flow through the drum is controlled by an adjustable outlet door and in combination with the variable rotational speed enables the producer to optimise the cleaning and washing of all products.
Internally there are two spray bars mounted in the upper part of the drum. One is for fresh mains water and the other is for the re-cycled water which is collect from the base of the machine and re-introduced into the washer helping to reduce overall usage. This spray bar is easily de-mounted for easy cleaning.
The washer is fully controllable from an electrical system mounted atthe side of the machine.
Product specification
completely built in stainless steel
easy adjustable valve and frequency drive
The capacity is depending from productsize and degree of pollution as well as drum size and is in between 2 and 7 tons per hour (4,400 – 15,400 lbs/hr).